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Topic review


Re: site list

First, please try to reproduce the issue. Give us more details. And then, we can tell you, if we need more information and what.

Re: site list

Hi I log on to server, run Winscp and that list was empty. Configuration storage is in ini file not in Windows registry. Just me and my manager has access to server. Could you tell me what I have to do next time. Probably I should check ini file first(what is inside and date) ? But I was in a rush so I just import backup file.

Re: site list

Thanks for your report. Are you able to reproduce the disappearance of the site list?

please help me with that :cry:

site list

I have problem with site list. It disappeared ? How could happened? I Exported that list few days
ago and save that on my desktop thank god. So I have that right now but it happen third time . Could
you tell me what I did wrong and how to avoid that. If I didn't have that ini file on my desktop I will
have serious problem.
Thank you