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Re: webdav not cache password

martin wrote:

Can we have a test account on the server with this setup?

That server isn't avaiable from the internet. It's used to internal purposes.


Re: webdav not cache password

Can we have a test account on the server with this setup?

webdav not cache password


I have winscp 5.9.2, i use webdav, and have one problem with password caching.

My webdav structure and permision is:
/folder1 (user have access)
/folder2 (user not have access)

When user click on folder2, then windows apper to enter the password, it's not working becouse they haven't got perrmision to enter to this folder and that is ok.
But after this when user want to access folder1, window to enter password apper, users don't remember password becouse they save it in session properties and they must restart winscp.

Could by default winscp try use password that was save in session properties.

Thanks for great software