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Re: Files seen six hours behind

Have you tried setting $TZ same on both servers?

Re: Files seen six hours behind

martin wrote:

Thanks. Also what is timezone of your servers (both) and your desktop?

Hi, it took a while but here is it:

Desktop: (GMT -03:00) Buenos Aires/Georgetown (Correct)

Server which looks OK:
a "echo $TZ" command yields "ARGENTINA3"

Server which looks wrong:
a "echo $TZ" command yields "GMT-3"

I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but I'm located in Argentina, Buenos Aires. (And so are all servers involved in this problem)


Re: Files seen six hours behind

Thanks. Also what is timezone of your servers (both) and your desktop?

Re: Files seen six hours behind

martin wrote:

What protocol do you use? SCP or SFTP?

From the "Server and protocol information" command (this is the server with the 6-hrs diff)

SSH Protocol version=2
SSH Implem.=OpenSSH_3.7.1p2
Encryption alg.=aes
File transfer prot.=SFTP (v3)

"The server does not support any SFTP extension."

(and this is the server which looks OK)

SSH Protocol version=2
SSH Implem.=OpenSSH_3.4p1
Encryption alg.=aes
File transfer prot.=SFTP (v3)

"The server does not support any SFTP extension."

Also "SSH Implementation" is the difference between the two. Is there anything I could do?


Re: Files seen six hours behind

What protocol do you use? SCP or SFTP?

Files seen six hours behind

(First of all: "server timezone offset" or "DST" didn't help)

Hi, I'm connecting to two different unix servers on my employer's network. In one of them (Production environment) I don't have write permissions, files are seen correctly. In the other (development environment) I have write permissions but files are seen with their timestamp six hours behind.


(typing on terminal software, not on WinSCP)

ls > showthetime

(creates file called showthetime)

-rw-rw-r-- 1 Cris 62 Sep 15 21:04 showthetime

but on WinSCP it shows as 15:04.

Messing with "server timezone offset" or DST settings didn't help.

Thanks a lot!!