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Re: 'Keep remote directory up-to-date' function becomes slow after several hours running

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'Keep remote directory up-to-date' function becomes slow after several hours running

Environment: Windows 10 professional, Winscp v5.9.4 build 7333

I used this function to keep files on remote server up-to-date. The server is Ubuntu 16.04.

In the first 2~3 hours, the function worked perfectly. Whenever I changed any file, it would sync to remote within 2 seconds. But after several hours, say 4 or more, the delay might be 10 seconds or more. And at the same time, Winscp GUI was also very slow to response any operation, like stop/minimized. I had to restart winscp and the function, and after that the sync would become fast again.

The local folder contained 22 sub-dirs and about 64 files.

I saw lots of messages like 'Change in "folder name" detected', not sure if it is related to this issue.