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Re: How to restore File Explorer as default FTP app. after WinSCP install.

Sorry for my late response. It took me while to get a fresh copy of Windows 7 to test this.

Though I cannot reproduce the problem. WinSCP does not take over FTP protocol association on install om Windows Vista and newer. ftp:// URLs are still handled by Windows Explorer after WinSCP installation.

All I can imagine that your installation of Windows is somehow broken and there was no application associated with ftp://. On that moment, when the first application registers to be able to handle ftp://, it becomes automatically the associated application.

Re: How to restore File Explorer as default FTP app. after WinSCP install.

martin wrote:

WinSCP should not override ftp:// registration of web browser. What version of Windows are you using? What version of WinSCP did you install?

This happened upon installation of WinSCP version 5.9.2 under Windows 7.

Re: How to restore File Explorer as default FTP app. after WinSCO install.

WinSCP should not override ftp:// registration of web browser. What version of Windows are you using? What version of WinSCP did you install?

How to restore File Explorer as default FTP app. after WinSCO install.

Prior to installing WinSCP I could open Windows File Explorer, type FTP:// in address bar and immediately open an FTP folder-view (in Windows Explorer) on a locally attached device. Now, after installing WinSCP, on entering the "FTP://..." URL, a WinSCP login dialog opens and I'm required to enter a username and password before opening the WinSCP window.

I liked the convenience of staying in Windows Explorer for anonymous FTP (not SFTP) sessions.

I've tried to change the default app. - "Set Associations" -for "FTP" sessions but WinSCP is the only option.

Any help is appreciated!