How can I get the same behaviour as the native Duplicate (Shift+F5) command?
I want to auto populate the target path with the current selected file path.
cp -r -f "!" "!?Target remote path?
! Any File path (a relative path to a root of an operation, when referring to remote file; an absolute path when referring to a local temporary copy of a remote file). Command with the pattern will be executed once for every selected file. In general it should be surrounded with quotes for the command to work with filenames containing spaces. Cannot be combined with pattern !&.
!?prompt[\]?default! Any When used, user is prompted to enter value that replaces the pattern. prompt can define a message of the prompt and default a default value, both can be empty. Special characters entered by user are automatically delimited. You can prohibit this using optional backslash (\) before second question mark (?).
Btw. how to make it work with preserving timestamps in debian/ubuntu?
Do I need to use ACL for file permissions? We use WinSCP a lot and multiple users edit the same files