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Topic review


This is the key part:
The path mask is matched against full path, i.e. not against path relative path to a root of file transfer or synchronization. E.g. mask public_html/wiki/ does not match /home/martinp/public_html/wiki directory, even if the root of file transfer or synchronization is /home/martinp. Partial path mask that matches an absolute path may look like */public_html/wiki/.

Yes working perfectly, sorry but I don't see it in the doc.

Mask subfolder


I have several folder named frames and I would like to make a mask for synchronization on the folder frames which is in the folder images. So I tried to mask the subfolder images/frames in WinSCP but with no success.

Is there any way to mask a folder which is in a specific folder?


WinSCP: 5.7.7
Windows 10