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Topic review


Re: Working Directory address

So the database manager uploads the files to the FTP?

Then you probably need ftp:// protocol in the URL.

You can select the directory in WinSCP file panel and use Generate URL command.

Re: Working Directory address

martin wrote:

Sorry, but you have to try harder explaining us, what you want.

I do track meet finish line timing and run live results. I have a website for meet results. I set up my ftp in WinSCP. In the database manager (Hytek)I have to enter the working directory where the results are sent to the ftp. I cannot remember how to write that directory. It looked something like...http://allshouse2861/public_html/2017_AAU/Results but that doesn't work. allshouse2861 is my ftp client account and is my hosting site.

Help please! Let me know if you need additional information.

Re: Working Directory address

Sorry, but you have to try harder explaining us, what you want.

Working Directory address

How do I find the working directory to ftp?