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Re: WinSCP Install using Nuget package to Service project

"but it didn't work" - What does it mean? What did it do?

On what template is your project based?

"When I build the setup of the service and install it to production" - How do you "build the setup and install it to production"?
Mohammad Ali H

WinSCP Install using Nuget package to Service project

Hi there I am having a problem of copying the executable file to the project output.

Here is the thing,
I installed the WinSCP .Net library to my project using Nuget package installer.
My project is a windows service project that makes connection to ftp servers.
When I build the setup of the service and install it to production, the executable file is not copied to the out service path.
So that gave me an error, I fixed it by copying the executable to the service path.
But this is a temp solution as I am supposed to deploy the service to multiple servers.
I tried to add the executable to the project as an existing item using this method
Add Existing Items to a Project
but it didn't work.
Please if I am doing something wrong please tell how to fix it.
