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Topic review


As I wrote already, it's created always.
John Connor

Why is it that a temp file is created only when I look at the FTP contents for my WordPress site, but not my phpBB sites in the public_html?

John Connor wrote:

This temp file only gets created when I visit the FTP of my WordPress public_html and open a file like htaccess.

Actually, this is not, what you have claimed previously.

Previously you wrote:
Just when I open the public_html folder of Wordpress.

No temporary file should be created for "opening folder".

But for "opening file", you always get a temporary file. That's by design. And it cannot differ among various folders and files.

See also

I got your email. I'll get to it in few days.
John Connor

Hi. I was able to see this behavior finally using the debug version. I sent an E-mail to you with the log file attached. This temp file only gets created when I visit the FTP of my WordPress public_html and open a file like htaccess. My other two website FTP accounts do not exhibit this behavior. I do see on line 142 of the log that the temp directory is mentioned where this mysterious temp file is created.

Also, I was wondering why some of my installed programs are listed in the log?
John Connor

When I run the debug version I'm not getting that temp file creation. And now the normal install of WinSCP isn't creating a temp file either. I'll try again. latter.
John Connor

Okay. I'll give it a shot.

I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.
John Connor

When I view the WordPress files in the FTP client WinSCP. Every time I do I get that temp file. I notice this by using the program spy the spy that shows me anything that's been added to my computer. The other directories in my public_html folder don't do this using WinSCP. Just when I open the public_html folder of Wordpress.

Re: Starnge temp file created

Can you explain what do you mean by "go to the files of the WordPress site" and "I get a temp file"?
John Connor

Starnge temp file created

I have three websites I access in WinSCP. Two are phpBB driven sites and the other is a WordPress site. Every time I go to the files of the WordPress site I get a temp file in C:\Users\Aaron\AppData\Local\Temp\scp27576.

Why is this?