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Re: rlogin to other computer after SSH connection

martin wrote:

You cannot do this with WinSCP.

Thanks for the response.

Re: rlogin to other computer after SSH connection

You cannot do this with WinSCP.

rlogin to other computer after SSH connection

I am connecting with WinSCP to computer1 which has SSH and is the gateway. There are other computers on the same internal network as computer1 and are not mounted on computer1. Is it possible to rlogin to computer2, computer3, etc after establishing a SSH connection to computer1 with WinSCP?

This works with a shell program such as putty but I don't know how to transfer files back (and forth) to my WINXP computer with putty. I am trying to use WinSCP for the file transfer but I am only able to do this only from computer1.

Of course the fall back is a two step process to copy files from computerx to my account (which can be accessed by any computer) with a putty session and then copy it from my account to WinXP with WinSCP on computer1.

Bill Ingle