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Re: Same question - how do I use WinSCP to access powerbroker system (which we access using pbrun comman

It's probably similar problem as with su/sudo:

Same question - how do I use WinSCP to access powerbroker system (which we access using pbrun comman

Same question - how do I use WinSCP to access powerbroker system (which we access using pbrun comman

Re: Accessing Powerbroker in Winscp

OK, will see if more people ask for this.

Re: Accessing Powerbroker in Winscp

Sorry, I do now know what "powerbroker" is and how it (if it) relates to sudo.

Accessing PowerBroker in WinSCP

Could you please let me know how to run the PowerBroker command in WinSCP to change user as admin user from my individual user. I tried to search old forums but I am not clear/convenient with the sudo solution. Please assist.

Thanks in advance!