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Re: Sync always gets everything and fails with read only files

Andrew wrote:

In the original sync I get all files from the host

Please read FAQ.

On each subsequent sync WinSCP downloads each of the files again until the process reaches the "readonly files". At this point the sync fails.

OK, what is the error message? Can you post a log file? Or at least script output. Are the files read-only in local or remote directory?

Sync always gets everything and fails with read only files

In the original sync I get all files from the host, some of which are marked readonly.

On each subsequent sync WinSCP downloads each of the files again until the process reaches the "readonly files". At this point the sync fails.

Here is the scp script file, with server names removed.

option batch on
option confirm off
option syncdelete off
open "HOST"
synchronize "LOCAL" "REMOTE"

IN the enviroment setting the Server Adjusts DST is set. New files arrive in the remote folder but none of the files change size or date - yet they are still downloaded every time.