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Re: unexpected variant error

martin wrote:

Do you get the message even before the login dialog appears? What happens if you close the message? Did you install any translation?

Problem solved : I had WinSCP 3.6.8 installed on this computer. I installed the 3.7.6 version without de-installing the old version, and I got the problem. Now I have de-installed and re-installed WinSCP, and it is working. I am not really sure of what happened.

Anyway, thanks for your quick answer.


Re: unexpected variant error

Do you get the message even before the login dialog appears? What happens if you close the message? Did you install any translation?

unexpected variant error


I have installed WinScp 3.7.6 un a PC runnning Windows 98.
When I launch WinScp, I get a message box containing the message :
Unexpected variant error
and a button named "Right"
The title of the message box is "PgDn"

Any idea ?
