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Re: Server Sent Disconnect Message Type 7

We cannot help you with authentication to a server. You need to contact server administrator.

Server Sent Disconnect Message Type 7

I have a client with an SFTP server which I'm attempting to connect. After entering the client's URL, user name, private key password, select advance, authentication, and login. The system attempts to connect to the client. I receive a disconnected error stating 'No supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey).

Using PuttyGen

I have a client with an SFTP server which I'm attempting to connect. After entering the client's URL, I select the private SSH key and receive error 'Server sent disconnect message type 7 (service is not available): "ssh-connection is not a valid service."

This same server is used for connecting to Production environment for this same client (which this URL and connection are working).

Could this potentially be the issue?