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Re: Copy folders from "Read-Only" Network share

martin wrote:

If I understand it correctly, it not only WinSCP that has problem with the files, right? In that case you should ask the question on some general computing site, like

Thanks for this idea.
I tried to get the error with a WinSCP alternative and it's the same.
All regular files were copied and some corrupted files too.
I think on our servers are some file spawns which cannot be detected as regular file by WinSCP or other file transmission software, so the error occurs.
Thanks for your help!

Re: Copy folders from "Read-Only" Network share

If I understand it correctly, it not only WinSCP that has problem with the files, right? In that case you should ask the question on some general computing site, like

Copy folders from "Read-Only" Network share

Hi Guys,
I hope somebody can help me.
My problem is to copy folders (not files) from a read-only network share to any other SFTP-Server.
The Network-Share is Mapped at the windows explorer as network drive.
On the SFTP-Server I have full Access (read/write/execute).
WinSCP is running on Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB with an i7-6600U and 16GB RAM, 64-Bit.
I tried using version 5.11.2 and 5.13. On both I get the same Error Message.
WinSCP is installed as Commander and I use no scripting/automation to complete the copy-job.

On the photo, some sensitive information is cleared, but it has no matter with the problem itself. It just shows the full path of a specific file that couldn't be copied.
It's a little bit strange because some files are copied correctly and some of the files get some characters in front (~$) and they just have a size of 1KB and either renaming to its normal name I cannot open these files.
The full path has about 100 to 120 Characters including filename and extension, so this is not the problem I hope.
If you need the error messages in english I will try to get these from an english installed computer ASAP.
If you have any questions or need some more information please give a reply and I will get these information.

Thanks in advance.