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Re: Upload speed slower than filezilla without limit via SFTP protocol

Please attach WinSCP session log file as well as FileZilla verbose log.

Upload speed slower than filezilla without limit via SFTP protocol

Hello, recently I use winscp with the scripting/automation tool to upload file on Windows, below is the brief code for what i do

open sftp://root:xxx@host/ -hostkey="ssh-ed25519 256 dlsw25i5F4hebcN5qqw3WctJR9EaGxYz8c9eAn+DV7I="

lcd D:\xampp\htdocs\db
cd /home/wwwroot/db
put db.7z

However, it just shows 39.4KB/s via Windows Console, but when I upload the same db.7z using filezilla , it shows 1.5M/s, I don't know the reason, please check it for me ,thanks