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ObjectDisposedException using SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase in automation DLL


You are absolutely right. I was disposing of a SecureString right after setting it in SessionOptions. This is truly embarrassing. I am very sorry to have wasted your time.


Re: ObjectDisposedException using SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase in automation DLL

I cannot reproduce the problem.
Can you post a code sample?
Did it work before 5.13.1?
Actually .Password and .PrivateKeyPassphrase have a shared implementation.

I actually looks like, that you dispose the SecureString instance that you set to .PrivateKeyPassphrase before you call .Open.

ObjectDisposedException using SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase in automation DLL

In version 5.13.1 and 5.13.2 ObjectDisposedExcepotion is thrown when opening a session using SessionOptions with SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase set. SecurePassword property works as expected. I believe there is a bug in reading SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase from SecureString and if you just copy the same implementation as when reading SecurePassword, the issue should be resolved. If I use string PrivateKeyPassphrase property, everything works fine. Here is the stack trace:

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
at System.Security.SecureString.ToUniStr(Boolean allocateFromHeap)
at WinSCP.SessionOptions.GetPassword(SecureString securePassword)
at WinSCP.Session.SessionOptionsToSwitches(SessionOptions sessionOptions, Boolean scanFingerprint, String& arguments, String& logArguments)
at WinSCP.Session.SessionOptionsToUrlAndSwitches(SessionOptions sessionOptions, Boolean scanFingerprint, String& command, String& log)
at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)