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Re: using synchronize option in script and do not want to delete

martin wrote:

option synchdelete off

that did it thanks!

Re: using synchronize option in script and do not want to delete

option synchdelete off

using synchronize option in script and do not want to delete

I am using a script at the command line and its working great for sychronizations. My question that i cannot find an option for is this:

When synchronizing from remote to local, is there a way not to delete a file locally if it does not appear in remote but appears in local? or should i not use the synchronize command?

here is my script:

# Issue winscp3 /console /script="fll path to script/config file"
option batch on
# runs wincp in non-interactive mode
option confirm off
# Connect
open connection name
# options are remote local or both ( both is a true mirror with the newest timestamp winning.
synchronize remote D:\folder