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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

??? can't you cut & Paste it as json is not allowed for upload

That won't help. We need to see an exact binary representation of the file.

Re: SSH NEW File creation is different ( Notepad++) as vs direct Edit under NANO

Rar9 wrote:

I created a "config.gateway.json" with some rules that was created with Notepad++ that was not recognised by my Unifi Linux Controller.

I manage to get it fixed by just Cut & Pasting the Same rules into my SSH Nano Editor and the Controller accepts the File.

Is this bug in Winscp transfering via SCP or could it be Notepad++ doing something to the file ?

If you use notepad++ on a windows machine and nano on a Linux machine you may use two different code pages. On windows notepad++ uses ANSI as default. Try to change Encoding/Kodierung to UTF8, which is used by Linux as default. Convert and save the file again.

??? can't you cut & Paste it as json is not allowed for upload

Please, "attach" it.

"description":"packets from intranet",
"description":"Device 1",
"description":"Device 2",
"description":"Device 1",
"description":"Device 2",

Re: SSH NEW File creation is different ( Notepad++) as vs direct Edit under NANO

Can you download the file back (in a binary mode) and attach it here, for us to check?

SSH NEW File creation is different ( Notepad++) as vs direct Edit under NANO


I created a "config.gateway.json" with some rules that was created with Notepad++ that was not recognised by my Unifi Linux Controller.

I manage to get it fixed by just Cut & Pasting the Same rules into my SSH Nano Editor and the Controller accepts the File.

Is this bug in Winscp transfering via SCP or could it be Notepad++ doing something to the file ?