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Re: SSH Keys retention period validity

martin wrote:

No, WinSCP does not remove any keys anytime. It must be some external process that does that. Or are sure that the INI file changes? Isn't it rather that the SSH server changes the key?

Note that it's not recommended to rely on configuration in scripting anyway:

Hi Martin,

Thank you for reply.
Sure, I will check what external process could cause winscp.ini modification in SSH keys part.

Re: SSH Keys retention period validity

No, WinSCP does not remove any keys anytime. It must be some external process that does that. Or are sure that the INI file changes? Isn't it rather that the SSH server changes the key?

Note that it's not recommended to rely on configuration in scripting anyway:

SSH Keys retention period validity

Hi Team,

It was noted one issue with WinSCP (using portable app):

After approximately nine months the keys were removed automatically from .ini file.
Is there any retention period defined for WinSCP portable app (or installer) to retain SSH keys from known hosts?

WinSCP portable app is used inside Power Shell script,
and once SSH key is lost - the script cannot login to the remote server.

Thank you,