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Topic review


fentog wrote:

For the command "Session/Duplicate session" hold the key <CTRL> or <ALT> for opening the connection window with all the parameters of the session inserted with the option to edit some of them.

I see this interesting. I use the Right menu to open several sessions. So I think an option to change some of the connection parameters (like compression) can be very useful.

I'd like to see it implemented.

Re: Option for "Session/Repeat Key Exchange"

Thanks for your suggestion.
Will see if more people ask for this.

OR some other option:

For the command "Session/Duplicate session" hold the key <CTRL> or <ALT> for opening the connection window with all the parameters of the session inserted with the option to edit some of them.

You agree?

Option for "Session/Repeat Key Exchange"


I use different tools that calls to WinSCP for opening SFTP sessions. The integration is great, and works as expected.

However, in some cases I like to "modify" the running connection of WinSCP. For example, to enable COMPRESSION, or (less relevant) to change the algorithm.

So, I request for an option for "Reconnect" changing some of the current connection parameters.

Does this sound good to you?