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Re: /upload............!!!

martin wrote:

here please look at this.... <invalid link removed> as you can see at the cmd i specify the path as local so remot but the window copy still shows up can you please tell me how to specify the remote path like example

You cannot do that with /upload. As I've told you already, it is not intended for the purpose!

Try script like:
open session

put c:\test\1.txt /c:/

thx i've manage it yesterday....thx but have another one now...
and stay cool there is no need to be mad so what i'm not scripting person !!!!! so what... you wanna help i'm thankfull you dont no problem...

Re: /upload............!!!

here please look at this.... <invalid link removed> as you can see at the cmd i specify the path as local so remot but the window copy still shows up can you please tell me how to specify the remote path like example

You cannot do that with /upload. As I've told you already, it is not intended for the purpose!

Try script like:
open session

put c:\test\1.txt /c:/

Re: /upload............!!!

here please look at this.... <invalid link removed> as you can see at the cmd i specify the path as local so remote but the window copy still shows up can you please tell me how to specify the remote path like example

i need to get the files to the c:\test01 on the remote machine but in the window totalcmd lookalike its says /c:/test01 but any one from both above i tipe there it still shows up the copy window..

Re: /upload............!!!

fuuu man hmm ok is it possible that someone can make an example how to do the full path thingy??? is it like:
winscp3.exe [session] /upload c:\test\1.txt /c:/test01 c:\test\nextfile /c:/test01

and so on ?????

about scripting i didnt get it i was trying to do it but it wount work for some reasons ... is there any made real example file where i can just change things for mine???

i'll be greatfull if someone can help me with this ... ;-((( thx big time...

Re: /upload............!!!

I guess you need to specify full path to the files. Also I suggest you to use scripting instead of /upload switch. The switch is not designed to be used for automation.


sorry to bother you ppl but i think i'm doing something wrong but i dont have any idea what
on locale c:\test i have 3 files in the directiry

trying to move the files to remote


here is the screenshot
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

can any one help me???