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Re: WINSCP Portable : WINSCP.COM does not work in Windows PE

Windows PE does not contain shfolder.dll. Just copy it over from a regular Windows installation (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shfolder.dll) to WinSCP folder.

Re: WINSCP Portable : WINSCP.COM does not work in Windows PE

I have no experience with Windows PE. I'll try to install it and I'll contact you then.

WINSCP Portable : WINSCP.COM does not work in Windows PE

I have downloaded the portable version from web which contains 4 files

12/28/2018 02:34 PM 37,854 license.txt
12/28/2018 02:34 PM 361 readme.txt
12/28/2018 02:34 PM 284,496
12/28/2018 02:34 PM 19,331,280 WinSCP.exe

I have the file structure inside Windows PE (Pre execution environment) is like lesser version of Windows operating system

When i call the command, i should get the >WINSCP prompt but instead i do not get WINSCP Prompt but just stay at the command prompt.
i read about using WINSCP.INI file for portable use but do not see the correct way of using it or it could be that WINSCP portable is not supported for WINDOWS PE