Platform: Visual Studio 2017
language: VB.NET
source: NuGet
Version of WinSCP: 5.13.6
protocol: FTP
I was trying to enable some
transfer options and my code is like this
Dim synchronizationResult As SynchronizationResult
synchronizationResult = session.SynchronizeDirectories(
However the complier reports:
Error BC30311: Value of type
'OverwriteMode' cannot be converted to
After looking up the definiton of
"TransferOptions", I found that it is a class:
Public NotInheritable Class TransferOptions
Public Sub New()
Public Property PreserveTimestamp As Boolean
Public Property FilePermissions As FilePermissions
Public Property TransferMode As TransferMode
Public Property FileMask As String
Public Property ResumeSupport As TransferResumeSupport
Public Property SpeedLimit As Integer
Public Property OverwriteMode As OverwriteMode
End Class
The initializer is empty and lack "End sub". I am unable to initial property and pass valid argument as I even tried
options:= new TransferOpions(OverwriteMode.Overwrite)
I am not familiar with VB.NET. Could you please help me out?