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Re: UI is slow & glitchy dragging window from one monitor to another

I assume you have a different scaling set for each of your monitors, right?

UI is slow & glitchy dragging window from one monitor to another

I have a multi-monitor setup and dragging the WinSCP window from one screen to another is something I find myself doing a lot- every time; it gets stuck at the halfway mark for a couple of seconds while thrashing reflows/redraws.
This doesn't in any way prevent using the program as intended and other than that one thing it's always worked perfectly for me, so I see this isn't a high priority bug.

Still, it is a bit annoying, no other program on my machine does this but WinSCP always has, and it seems like it could be rather easily fixed by just not trying to redraw or resize the window contents until the drag ends.

(I'm sorry if this has already been reported, but your forum has 232 pages and no search feature so I have to assume you're ok with duplicate bug reports.)