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Re: Ignore folder structure when copying the files.

So you want to write a script for this?

Re: Ignore folder structure when copying the files.

martin wrote:

You can use a search function in Windows File Explorer to create a list of those files. And then drag&drop those files to WinSCP remote panel.

Thanks, Martin.

I was actually hoping that there is a way to automate it somehow. Thanks for your reply.

Re: Ignore folder structure when copying the files.

You can use a search function in Windows File Explorer to create a list of those files. And then drag&drop those files to WinSCP remote panel.

Ignore folder structure when copying the files.


Is it possible to ignore local directory file structure when copying files?
Let's say we've got a couple of files in subdirectories as follows:

Is there a way to put those 'testa*.txt' files on FTP server without copying the folder structure. Ideally, I would like all the files to be dropped into a single folder on the FTP server, is there a way to do it?
