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Re: P@sswords in scripting

martin wrote:

You need to URL-encode the @ to %40.

Thank you, that works great!

Re: P@sswords in scripting

Kaydet81 wrote:

I am using WinSCP 3.7.6, and cannot supply my password in the script, as the password has an '@' in it (changing the password is not an option). Is there a way to escape the @? I tried user:p\@ssword@server, which does not work.

You need to URL-encode the @ to %40. Or use version 3.8, which uses the last @ as username/hostname separator (prior versions used the first @).

P@sswords in scripting

I am using WinSCP 3.7.6, and cannot supply my password in the script, as the password has an '@' in it (changing the password is not an option). Is there a way to escape the @? I tried user:p\@ssword@server, which does not work.