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I used winscp version 3.8.2 ( build 330)

several times I saw the same thing. Exactly at the same position 2,1GB.
I logged in and used scp as default (and not sft with fallback to scp) and it worked.

Re: same error

hans wrote:

hi, I have exactly the same.
the other side is a centos 4.3 server with open ssh.

What version of WinSCP are you using?

same error

hi, I have exactly the same.
the other side is a centos 4.3 server with open ssh.

Re: error when copying multiple large files

What server do you use?

error when copying multiple large files

I get the following error when I try copying multiple large files from a Unix machine. THis is using version 3.7.6 of WinSCP.

"Copying files from remote side failed.

Bad message (badly formatted packet or protocol incompatibility)
Error code: 5
Error message from server: Bad message
Request code: 5"

This happens about the time the first file copy finishes. The file sizes are close to 2 Gbytes.

As a side note, when I would use the Windows 2000 ftp command to try and ftp these files, and using the mget option for ftp-ing multiple files, ftp would quit after the first file, giving an error message saying that the ftp had timed out.

I never realized that ftp was such a difficult thing!! I've never had such problems on the Unix side of things.
