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Re: Delete all files older than two days, except the ones beginning with a specific string

It's not possible with WinSCP scripting.
But you do it with WinSCP .NET assembly from a PowerShell script.

Here is an example that does almost what you need:
You just need to add a file name test, like:
$oldFiles =
    $directoryInfo.Files |
    Where-Object { -Not $_.IsDirectory } |
    Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit } |
    Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "database*" }


Delete all files older than two days, except the ones beginning with a specific string


I'm trying to delete all files older than two days, except the one beginning with "database*".

I was going with
rm *<2D|database*
, but no sucess, so I tried
rm *|database*<2D
but still not working.
I'm trying also with
instead of
to display the results, and as soon as I use the exclude pipe
I get a no result match.

How should I do this ?

I'm running the script through a .bat file with the following code

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" ^

  /log="C:\Scripts\logs\%~1.log" /ini=nul ^
  /command ^
    "open -rawsettings ProxyPort=0" ^
    "cd /default/%~1/" ^
    "rm database*<30D" ^
    "rm *|database*<2D" ^
    "rm *<1K" ^

The goal is to delete all database files older than 30 days, then delete everything else older than 2 days and finally delete all files smaller than 1KB.

Thanks for the help.

