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Re: When will 64-bit WinSCP plugin to Servant Salamander be available?

Thank you for the explanation.

Re: When will 64-bit WinSCP plugin to Servant Salamander be available?

Probably never. WinSCP itself does not support 64-bit and there's no real demand for it. Moreover WinSCP switched to Unicode API years ago and Salamander never managed to follow. And now that Salamander development has ended, it probably never will. So currently it is not possible to update WinSCP Salamander plugin, let alone something major as 64-bit support.

When will 64-bit WinSCP plugin to Servant Salamander be available?

Could I ask that the 64-bit version of the WinSCP plugin to Servant Salamander be written/made available? When will it be updated?

I have been using the latest version 1.6.9 of WinSCP with a 32-bit version 3.08 (x86) EDU of Servant Salamander for several years. The current Servant Salamander web,, says
Unfortunately WinSCP plugin is missing in 64-bit Altap Salamander, so it is a good idea also install the 32-bit version of Altap Salamander. We hope Martin Prikryl (WinSCP author) will be able to prepare the 64-bit version of WinSCP plugin.

I have been using Servant Salamander intensively every day. If there is no 64-bit WinSCP plugin, I cannot use the 64-bit version of Servant Salamander which has some good features with respect to the 32-bit version, I have to use. Could I ask Martin Prikryl, the WinSCP developer, to create/release the 64-bit version of the plug-in?

Thank you. Vasek Hlavac