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Re: Large Icon problem

jacekwu wrote:

I usually encounter the change in icon size after I remotely control my office PC from my Surface Pro 4, which is extended to an 1080p external monitor. Is there an option to switch the icons back to the small icons as in the default view? I'm using commander view btw.

Can you give us step-by-step instructions to reproducing the problem?
Do you remotely login while WinSCP is running? Does WinSCP keep the large icons even after you close it and start it while logged in locally?

Large Icon problem

I usually encounter the change in icon size after I remotely control my office PC from my Surface Pro 4, which is extended to an 1080p external monitor. Is there an option to switch the icons back to the small icons as in the default view? I'm using commander view btw.

Re: change icon size

Sorry, I must have missed your post somehow.
What version of WinSCP are you using?
What is your screen setup? Do you have multiple monitors? What scale do you have set for your monitor(s)?

anyone can help me on icon size?

Anyone can help me on icon size?

Re: change icon size

it is Commander interface, here a screenshot

Re: change icon size

What interface? Commander or Explorer? Can you post a screenshot?

change icon size

I now have large icons into my interface (I don't know what I've pressed obviously)...
How can I turn into small icons as windows do?