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Re: Transfer multiple files from remote site to a single file locally

You can download all files individually and combine them locally after the download.

Transfer multiple files from remote site to a single file locally

Hello,hopefully someone can help me with this one.

My client's 3rd party EDI host is generating multiple Purchase Orders from reps that need to be transferred from their remote site to a single file on our end that our ERP system will process.
Can this be scripted?

This is from the EDI host - We recommended appending the files locally on your system by modifying your FTP script to populate all of the files into a single file as they are downloaded. That way, if a file came in through the VAN while you were in the process of retrieving the data, it would either get picked up with the other files or be available on your next FTP session, depending on when the “get” command was executed.

Let me know if you need additional info to better understand.
Thank you