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Re: WinSCP problem of "Unexpected directory listing line"

Did you try the latest version of WinSCP?
What server is that?
Are you using SCP protocol? Did you try SFTP?

WinSCP problem of "Unexpected directory listing line"

1.WinScp Version 5.5.1 (Build 3970) /card/user/sinumerik/data/prog
--> dr-xrwsr-x 3 operator1 operator 4096 Mar 4 8:44 .
dr-xrwsr-x 7 operator1 operator 4096 Mar 3 14:31 ..
drwxrwsr-x 2 manufact operator 4096 Mar 3 15:01 CHRIS
3.put "D:\0528\D2R1_PCDRB.MPF" /card/user/sinumerik/data/prog/D2R1_PCDRB.MPF
--> copy file OK /card/user/sinumerik/data/prog
--> dr-xrwsr-x 3 operator1 operator 4096 Mar 4 8:44 .
dr-xrwsr-x 7 operator1 operator 4096 Mar 3 14:31 ..
drwxrwsr-x 2 manufact operator 4096 Mar 3 15:01 CHRIS
-rw-rwSr-- 1 manufact operator 661907690 Jan 7 2019 D2R1_PCDRB.MPF
5.put "D:\0528\T5_D1R05_PCDRB.MPF" /card/user/sinumerik/data/prog/T5_D1R05_PCDRB.MPF
--> copy file OK /card/user/sinumerik/data/prog
--> Error listing directory '/card/user/sinumerik/data/prog'
Unexpected directory listing line '-rw-rwSr-- 1 manufact operator1036430524 Feb 21 2017 T5_D1R05_PCDRB.MPF'
<A>bort ,<R>etry ,<Skip>
7. So what is the reason of the error (step6)? Could be WinSCP setting or command?
Thank you very much.