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Topic review



Thanks for the info.
I guess I will wait until the new release when the open command issue will hopefully be resolved.

Re: winscp380 failing in console mode

Run the script from already opened console (cmd.exe), so you can see the output. Generally 3.8 have problems with "open" command. It should work if the open command refers to a stored session or when it contains a password.

winscp380 failing in console mode

I seem to be having problems running the 380 beta in console mode. If I run the two lines below at the command prompt, the one using winscp376 works fine. The one running winscp380 will flash up the winscp console window and pull it down before you can see anything. I have logged in with the GUI using both versions to make sure the host keys are set. Any idea what the problem could be?

winscp376 /console /script=content-update.tmp

winscp380 /console /script=content-update.tmp


# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with option batch on
option confirm off
# Connect using a prompted password -or-
# Use folling syntax to include pass: open user:password@host
open webadmin@ecmapp15
# Change remote directory
cd "/home/webadmin/temp/"
# Create remote directory
mkdir "test up1"
# Change to created remote directory
cd "test up1"
# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary
# Upload files to current working directory
put "c:\temp\WinSCP\deploy\test up1\*.*"
# Change to parent of created remote directory
cd ..
# Disconnect and Exit WinSCP