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Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

martin wrote:

I understand what you mean. I just wanted to explain, that it is still lot of work to implement, what you are asking for.

Yes, sure. I'll wait. Take your time. Sometimes the things just looks simpler than they are even. I'm a software developer also.

I thank you in advance.

Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

I understand what you mean. I just wanted to explain, that it is still lot of work to implement, what you are asking for.

Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

martin wrote:

knottydreadbr wrote:

This feature exists, only you would need offer a way to activate it in the condition I noted.

No it does not. WinSCP would have to remember somewhere what files were opened and to what session they belong.

Well, in my case, I configured WinSCP for don't delete the session folders. They will be there, all time, even when I close WinSCP and re-open it. After reopening, WinSCP forget it needs get back syncronizing the reopened session base on its folder (which it's there). It's like I use the feature you pointed me, but I would like it works automaticly and backgrounded.

I hope you understand what I meant.

Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

knottydreadbr wrote:

This feature exists, only you would need offer a way to activate it in the condition I noted.

No it does not. WinSCP would have to remember somewhere what files were opened and to what session they belong.

Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

martin wrote:

Thanks for your suggestion. We will consider this.
Though wouldn't the "Keep remote directory up to date" be a solution?

Hi. I think "Keep remote directory up to date" won't solve my problem because I don't syncronize directories (I don't keep all the files into my computer), I only edit the files directly. I keep them open into Notepad++ workspace.

This feature exists, only you would need offer a way to activate it in the condition I noted.

Thank you in advance!

Re: Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

Thanks for your suggestion. We will consider this.
Though wouldn't the "Keep remote directory up to date" be a solution?

Watch and sync temp files after close and reopen the programm

Hi. I would like ask to keep watching and syncronizing temporary files (the kept ones obviously) even after close and reopen the WinSCP. It's useful because I use Notepad++ to edit files and sometimes I need reboot the pc or something that force me to close WinSCP, and this force me to close all files opened into Notepad++ and reopen everything once again because the WinSCP can't background syncronize them after editing.

I love WinSCP and this would complete my list of best and essencial features.