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Topic review



For those who also want to donate anonymous - it's possible.

This is how the donation-flow works;

    Donate by the green button

    You'll get an receipt by email [mine was in the spambox]

    After donation [or from the mail] you get a donationform

    In that form you can enter [anonymous] to hide your name on the list

    Submit the form and you are done

RE [...]

Cool, will donate some money this weekend :-)

It's more about privacy... why should my name appear on a list, when I support a project?

So, it's nice to donate anonymous (and get the benefits at the same time).


Re: Donation without my name on the list.

Sure, after you donate, you can modify (or remove) your listing as you like.
Thanks for considering a donation to our project.

Donation without my name on the list.

I want to donate for the software - so I can get automatic updates (and of course, for supporting the devs).

But the donation-page says; "Your name will be listed on list of WinSCP donors below."

I don't want my name (or any nickname) on that page - I just want to throw some money, unlock my automatic-updates and get the hell out of here.

Is that possible? (send money by PayPal - without appearing on the donor-list).

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