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Re: Host key stopped working

martin wrote:

You have added a space in front of the host key. You can see in the old log that the space was not there before.

open sftp://... -hostkey=" ssh-rsa 2048 ..."

Thank You!! Turns out all the keys are stored in the DB with a space in front of the "ssh-rsa"
I thought that only the part after the 2048 counts for the key. I'll fix them all. Thank You Martin!
best regards

Re: Host key stopped working

You have added a space in front of the host key. You can see in the old log that the space was not there before.

open sftp://... -hostkey=" ssh-rsa 2048 ..."

Host key stopped working

Hello Everyone

I'm having a very strange problem, a scripted connection using hostkey parameter stopped working, the last time I tried successfully was six days ago, today it won't connect anymore, the log report that the host key does not match the configured key, but it's the same key.

Please see attached log from 08/04/2020 and 14/04/2020 same host (connecting from GUI report the same key on the script). Any ideas what might cause this?

Thank You!