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Re: Timeout detected. (control connection)

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Timeout detected. (control connection)


I have a recurring timeout issue when uploading large files on a FTPS server.

The only log I have on the client side :
. 2020-06-08 11:19:34.088 TLS layer changed state from connected to closed

. 2020-06-08 11:19:34.088 Data connection closed
. 2020-06-08 11:20:24.335 Timeout detected. (control connection)
. 2020-06-08 11:20:24.335 Copying files to remote side failed.
. 2020-06-08 11:20:24.335 Got reply 1004 to the command 4

On the server side :
Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP command: Client "", "TYPE I"

Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP response: Client "", "200 Switching to Binary mode."
Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (149,202,207,54,211,11)."
Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP command: Client "", "STOR"
Mon Jun  8 11:17:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP response: Client "", "150 Ok to send data."
Mon Jun  8 11:27:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FAIL UPLOAD: Client "", "/bis/OUT/andsoft/edi/tms/zip/", 175497424 bytes, 285.63Kbyte/sec
Mon Jun  8 11:27:50 2020 [pid 11988] [*********] FTP response: Client "", "421 Data timeout. Reconnect. Sorry."

I have asked my network admin to check on the firewall if there is a mechanism that closes long sessions but to be sure I would like to know if you can see something in these logs that I am missing.

Thank you in advance.
