Re: Converting from file to id_rsa.ppk
Sorry, but if you want our help, then provide us more information based on what I wrote above.
What is the key they gave you for?
What is the key they gave you for?
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
file they gave.
file (public key) to .ppk
(private key). That makes no sense.
key file and ask us to rename as required to replace an expiring key. But I don't know how to convert this .pub
key to .ppk
. I tried converting the .pub
file (from the client) using the PuTTYgen tool as I have seen in many blogs but it is not recognizing it as a private OpenSSH key.
key file or any helpful steps that help me do the necessary conversion to enable me to connect to the client's SFTP using the WinSCP tool.