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Topic review


I'd like to ask for this too but I understand if it's a low priority.

This would be handy to me because I am tending to a heap of files that does have some hardlinks, and I'd use it to spot "duplicates" that are ok to delete. If the metadata happens to contain the inode number, that would be useful to have as well.

Re: Link count missing from commander interface

It's not readily available in the SFTP protocol. But it's part of "file description" provided by many SFTP servers (including OpenSSH). WinSCP ignores this field currently. We will see, if more people ask for this.

But you can have WinSCP display the information by adding a custom command like ls -ld !& – You can even associate the command with a keyboard shortcut.

Link count missing from commander interface

I notice that WinSCP commander interface has column option for every part of ls -l output except for the 'number of links' (after permissions and before owner name)

Does the SFTP protocol not support retrieving this field? This information if important for me. It would be helpful even to know of another method of seeing this information without leaving WinSCP.

Thanks! -True