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Re: Sometimes unable to connect to SFTP

I didn't, I'll wrap the try block in 3 attempts and will see.


Re: Sometimes unable to connect to SFTP

This can be due to many different things. Did you try implementing a connection retry?

Sometimes unable to connect to SFTP

Hello, I am facing quite a weird problem when I'm using quite simple assembly script to connect to SFTP server and download contents of the folder, the task is scheduled to run once per hour. Generally it's working fine, but time to time (usually few cases each day) I am not able to connect to SFTP for the following reason:

. 2020-09-15 02:45:01.474 Looking up host "" for SSH connection
. 2020-09-15 02:45:01.474 Connecting to port 22
. 2020-09-15 02:45:01.474 We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_5.17.6
. 2020-09-15 02:45:01.474 Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection

. 2020-09-15 04:45:02.337 Looking up host "" for SSH connection
. 2020-09-15 04:45:02.337 Connecting to port 22
. 2020-09-15 04:45:02.340 We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_5.17.6
. 2020-09-15 04:45:02.345 Network error: Software caused connection abort

Same script runs for 6 different folders, I tried to schedule them in different times during the hour (:10,:15,:20,:40,:45,:50) so that there are never two simultaneous connections but still the problem persists. Any ideas? :) Only reason I can think of is some settings on SFTP which maybe thinks I am connecting too often or something like this.

Thank you!