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Re: Backing up to a Windows machine from a Linux RedHat OS

If you make sure you use binary transfer mode, the files will be transfered as is.

Backing up to a Windows machine from a Linux RedHat OS

I am using WinSCP to copy my backup dir from my dedicated server to my local windows machine.

My backup consists of all of my .tar.gz files, and a files folder which contains all of my MySQL, email, and other account config info.

The backup is run via WHM on RedHat 9.

I just want to make sure the .tar.gz backups being copied to my windows machine are kept in proper format in the case that I would need to import the files and extract them back into WHM (if I lost all remote (backup) and live account info) ..

Does WinSCP keep the file integrity together? Meaning, because they are being copied to a Windows machine, will the format be degraded?

I am sure this is an extremely difficult question, so I don't expect too many answers, but just hoping someone might have some tips or words about this.

Thanks in advance.