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Re: Copying multiple files

Wildcards in scripting are supported since 3.7.2 only. Please upgrade.

Copying multiple files

I am using WinSCP ver 3.7.1
My intention is to get all the files present in a particular directory from a server using a script (batch commands).

Using the script I am able to login and list the files with S*.txt , but when I use
"get s*.txt d:\"
I get the error
"Can't get attributes of file 's*.txt'.
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax
is incorrect. (en)
Request code: 7
Can you please suggest what is going wrong. I cannot hard code the name in the get command as there will more than 1 file and could have different names.

Santosh J.