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Topic review


Re: exclude filesize in synchonization script

OK, I'll consider adding exclusion rules based on file size.

Re: exclude filesize in synchonization script

martin wrote:

Do you mean that you want to exclude all files with certain size? It's not possible and I do not find much use for it to implement it. Sorry.

With filesize concerns on the destination server we need to eliminate uploaded files that are larger then 1gig.
Other then excluding *.zip would you have another suggestion?

p.s. your application is very useful. tks!

Re: exclude filesize in synchonization script

Do you mean that you want to exclude all files with certain size? It's not possible and I do not find much use for it to implement it. Sorry.

exclude filesize in synchonization script

I need to exclude a specfic file size in my synchonization script.
Is this a current feature, or one in development?
