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Re: How to enable confirmation for local file changes?

No. Actually, from my experience, people are moving from FileZilla to WinSCP exactly for this reason. They do not like that confirmation in FileZilla. When you are editing a file, it's only natural that you want the file to be overwritten. When you are editing a local file, a file editor does not ask you either, if you are really sure you want to overwrite a file, when you are saving it.

How to enable confirmation for local file changes?

I am moving from filezilla to winSCP as filezilla has 0 confirmation for dragging and dropping folders into each other (after 16 YEARS)

i've gotten winscp setup pretty decently but something that really bugs me is when I open a text file from remote directory, edit it and save it there is no confirmation prompt for uploading it again, it just does it automatically. On filezilla a window appears saying "A file previously opened has been changed, upload this file back to the server? YES/NO" Is there a way to add such prompt to winSCP? Thanks.