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Topic review

Dan Curious

Re: Can no longer create the WinSCP.Session or other objects

That did the trick, thanks chief.

Dan Curious

Can no longer create the WinSCP.Session or other objects


I'm running a script that was (mostly) working fine earlier. But now it won't let me instantiate any of the WinSCP objects.

So for example, the basic object,
WinSCP_o = WScript.CreateObject("WinSCP.Session")

returns a
Could not create object named "WinSCP.Session"

The funny thing is, for the past several days I was able to instantiate these objects, even though there was a mismatch between the Com version (18.x) and the WinSCP version (17.x). When I tried to Open the sessionOptions, the mismatch error was returned.

So I unregistered the components, both 32 and 64 bit. I downloaded the 17.x components, and re-registered.

But now it's no longer possible to create any of the WinSCP objects.