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Re: 551 File listing failed happening on FTP transfer of multiple files

There's indeed no way to make WinSCP retry in this scenario, as WinSCP has no reason to believe the error is recoverable.
If you need such custom error handling, you can use the WinSCP .NET assembly from a PowerShell script.
This examples might be a good start:

551 File listing failed happening on FTP transfer of multiple files


apologize if this issue has been alrady addressed but I was not able to find it.
Basically I am using a bat scheduled file to automatize a file tranfer of several files (1000), I am currently using the sync function of WinSCP although every time during the transfer the error '551 File listing failed' appears and it is on a random number of files (2-4) and on random files.
I am using the batch continue option but this is skipping the files instead of retrying and I need to check every single file.
  /command ^
    "option batch continue" ^
    "open ftps:%ftpuser%:%ftppwd%@%ftpsource%:990 -implicit -timeout=12000" ^
    "lcd %wrkpath%" ^
   "synchronize local ""%wrkpath%\%boxpath%"" ""%boxpath%""" ^

I was trying to include an automatic retry when this issue happens but I was not able to find the right options, could you kindly advise on how to solve this?

Best Regards,