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Re: Overwrite files only specifed date and time on remote files.

You can use synchronization.

On the synchronization checklist, you can sort the files by the remote file timestamps, select the files that do not have the desired timestamps and uncheck them. And then proceed with synchronizing the desired (still selected) files.

Re: Overwrite files only specifed date and time on remote files.

Yes, I want to overwrite files (copy) from local to remote that only a specified date time that on remote files via GUI

Re: Overwrite files only specifed date and time on remote files.

Do you want to upload those local files that already exist remotely and their remote copies have a specific timestamp?
And do you want to do this in GUI and or somehow automatically (scripting)?

Overwrite files only specifed date and time on remote files.


I have 1000+ files on my local and remote systems. On remote locations, there are 100+ files that are modified. My goal is to copy the files from local to the remote but only specified date and time ( ex: 2020-11-19 ) remote files properties.

I can not manage file mask to destination.

Thank you.