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Topic review

Re: Better listing of Tabs (side window or multi rows) in WinSCP

martin wrote:

The next version of WinSCP will shorten the tab titles to always fit all tabs to the window:
Issue 1423 – Better handling of large number of tabs

The solution you've implemented in v6 is awful – there were original requests to wrap the tabs over multiple lines, not to make them truncated so much as to be unreadable!

Please make the shortening and truncation of tab names a configurable option at the least please.
If only one row is possible for you, adding mouse wheel scrolling like VS Code and Notepad++ would be a huge bonus over just arrows.

I signed up purely to vote for the fix for this.

Re: Better listing of Tabs (side window or multi rows) in WinSCP

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: Better listing of Tabs (side window or multi rows) in WinSCP

Thanks Martin, btw – I LOVE WINSCP! I am aware of this new feature coming in v6.0, and that is GREAT news, however even shorter tab names does not go far enough in my opinion, to managed many tabs.

But I still look forward to v6.0 being a big improvement in this regard. Any idea on when 6.0 will be released? (the changelog shows Oct 21 2022 – "Not released yet") or can we get an early beta version maybe?

Better listing of Tabs (side window or multi rows) in WinSCP

In terms of better open tabs management:
I would ideally like to see a side window (or pop-out type window) that would show ALL tabs you have currently open. (ie like how MobaXterm SSH client does this – see img below)

Currently it is very difficult to deal with multiple tabs, and the improvement in v6.0 to reduce the length of tab names is good, but does not go far enough in my opinion.

See image below please. (this side window is scroll-able too)

(love WinSCP!!)

cross-ref (similar post): Move tabs in to second line instead of arrows